Saturday, July 19, 2008

Black Belt Recruiting From Mike Dillard

The much anticipated Black Belt Recruiting course is set to launch early next week, here a quick preview from Mike Dillard:

How six and seven figure network marketers close prospects on the phone without doing any "selling." (In fact, with Mark's methods, the LESS you sell, the MORE people you sponsor!)

A sneaky way to get your competition to help you sponsor people into your business... without them even knowing it.

Four words that will destroy your chances of sponsoring new reps — even the ones who already want to sign up! (When I stopped saying these four words — that 99% of networkers say during calls — my sponsoring rate shot through the roof.)

How to instantly "de-fang" loud and obnoxious prospects — and actually have them apologizing and pleading with you to show them the plan. (This secret works even if they were dead set against networking before!)

Be sure and watch the video and sign up for a copy.

View the Black Belt Recruiting video

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