Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Brig Hart Monavie's First Imperial Black Diamond

Congratulations to Brig and Lita Hart from Ponte Vedra, Florida, on achieving the rank of Imperial Black Diamond Executive. Here's what they had to say on reaching this impressive milestone…

"Wow! The past two years have been an incredible journey for us. There is no way this type of achievement would have been possible without some key factors coming together. Of course the five obvious ones are: right product, right management, right compensation plan, right timing, and right cause. But the ones that aren't so obvious hold as much value. The right chemistry between our key players, the respect we show for each other, a proper work ethic that motivates and inspires our team to be fully involved, a common vision, and a plan that gives each new and seasoned distributor a map to follow.

I saw Brig speak in Dallas not long after he started with Monavie. A whopping 30 people were there, now he might have 2000 at his meetings. Brig said that no one sponsored him into Monavie, he found Monavie online doing an Internet search. Some lucky random distributor must still be talking about the day a guy name Brig showed up in his downline!

Imperial Black Diamond is no small feat. It requires among other things 4 consecutive weeks of a minimum volume of $600,000. Thats $2.4 million in a single month. And the rewards are tremendous. To start with try a $300,000 cash bonus, another $300,000 in jet credits, and then theres the "juice" on the $2.4 million itself.

Congrag Brig and Lita

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